How It Works

Publication Structures

First, we need to determine what the structure of your book will be. We offer a variety of book structures to accommodate most needs. The basic components are: Book, Section and Body Copy (subdivided into Pages for length), and we build books from combinations of those components.


This consists of a Book description and a block of copy, usually credited to a single author. A short story, for example, can be as simple as, “My short story” with a single stream of body copy comprising the content. A longer short story may be broken into multiple pages to keep individual page length down.) Also used for single-topic essays.


This is the basic long-form structure for single authors. A book container is populated with a series of body copy entries, each of which represents a chapter in the book. Body copy content is typically titled to reflect its chapter heading, e.g. "Chapter 1: How I won the Internet." As with the Story structure, the content can be parceled out into more pages if needed. Great for novels, textbooks, and how-to guides. Useful for e.g. poetry collections too, with each content stream representing a single poem.


This is the most complicated structure, which involves a book, broken down into chapters or sections (each which can have its own body content), which is then broken down into body copy representing “articles,” each of which may have one or more different authors. In an anthology, for example, each chapter may be a topical section, with a chapter introduction written by the editor, followed by separate articles by distinct authors.